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Street Lighting Design


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Hi All


Looking for help here, I am currently designing a column lighting for a community used playground which requires 12 (150W) SON lamps.


My plan is to have 4 son lamps per circuit. Wiring to be by loops with protection per lamp. Control is to be by time swicth with photocell overide during dark hours.


My question is:

*Using Amtech, the cable schedule indicates 2c cables, I am suppose we require a separate core for earthing or is it ok to use the wire armour as earth.

*Does any one has any design schematic which I can take a look at?

* Does anybody have the wiring diagram for combination of photocell and time switch?

* apart from ensuring cable sizes and protection and discrimination, is there any specific requirement regarding street lighting.


I have never done this type of design before now.


ANy assistance will be appreciated.

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