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Emx2 Scr

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Hello alefaquir


Welcome to the forum.


If you remove the heatsink assembly from the chassis, you will be able to read the part number of the SCR.

Do not disassemble the heatsink assembly unless you really know what you are doing.

These assemblies are put together on a special jig that applies the correct pressure to the SCRs. If you undo the tie rods holding the assembly together, you will not be able to get the correct pressure without the jig, so the arm would need to be returned to New Zealand where it was manufactured.


If you are sure that you have a failed SCR, and you have a replacement and really want to try to do the replacment, I have a proceedure that I use to replace the SCRs without the hydraulic clamp used in assembly.


I recommend that the better approach is to buy a new heatsink assembly with the SCRs fitted, mor to return the exisitn heatsink assembly to NZ for repair.


Best regards,


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HI Mark


thank you by yours quick answer.


yes, I am sure that the SCR is failed, I have checked it.

if you have the method to replace it, would you send me the procedure to replace the SCRs without the hydraulic clamp?


do you need my email? it is alebielak@h..........com



thank you very much, thanks. thanks..

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I'm very busy right now, but I will try and get a description done in the next day or so.

I regularly replace SCRs on these assemblies, but do not have a written procedure for doing so.


My method does not have official sanction from the manufacturer, but as I was part of the design team, I do no the constraints.


Best regards,


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hi mark


this is the description or part number of scr


"ior 8t330c1s5c1 9717 7d10 italy"


what kind of scr is it?


I can´t find any replacement for it




have you found any technique for replace it and send me? or did you write samethig basic for me?


thanks again

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hi mark

I made a mistake when reading the code, excuse me for that.

Numbers are fuzzy


The really part number is st330c16c0


but seeing the component's data sheet says that the SCR can work up to 720 amp.


can a softarter working on a 350amp rated current use a scr of 720amp? isn´t too little? or again I wrote wrong the parts number


thanks again

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Hello alefaquir


Yes, that part sounds right. It is an International Rectifier device.

The rating of the SCR is correct provided that you operate the starter within it's ratings.

Note, the rating of the starter changes with the start current.

I wil try to find time to write out a description of how i change the SCRs in the next few days.


Best regards,


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