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Data Transfer Via Cscan (Iec Structured Text)


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Transfering data between two or more Horner OCS units is easy.


  1. Connect the two horners together via a cable using terminals 2 3 and 4 only on the CsCan Port.
  2. Connect 120 ohm resistors (Come with each Horner) between terminals 2 and 4 at each horner.
  3. Set the two IDs to be different, ie 253 and 252.
  4. You need to set the “target ID” in the software for the unit set to 252, to equal the ID ie 252.


Example software attached for an XLe talking to an XL4 using IEC Structured Text and CScape 9.50 SP1.

Attached Files

CSCanDemoXLE 141201.csp

CSCanDemoXL4 1141202.csp

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