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Power Factor


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Hello Will


Welcome to the forum.


Power factor is the ratio of KW to KVA. i.e. pf = KW/KVA.

V x I = VA

V x I x PF = Watts


You can calculate the power factor provided that you know the volts, Amps and KW. You can not calculate PF from volts and amps only.


There are two forms of power factor, one is displacement power factor, caused by reactive loads (typically inductive) and the other is harmonic power factor caused by solid state loads such as computers and VSDs.

If you have an inductive load such as a motor, you can use an oscilloscope to measure the phase angle between the voltage and the current and calculate the displacement power factor from the cosine of the displacement angle.

Unfortunately, you need more measurements than just a voltmeter and ameter.


Best regards,

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  • 7 months later...

PF = Cos (Phi) is true for displacement power factor only. It does not give an indication of distortion power factor.


PF = KW/KVA is more correct.


Best regards,

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all


Subject Power factor


I will not say more than u all said but there are still something missing in the calculation cause it is not only a matter of power p.f=W/VA

so if some one know he can right more specified explanation


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Actually, it is pf = w / VA by definition.

This is true for displacement power factor and distortion power factor.

Displacement power factor can also be expressed as pf = cos(thi) where thi is the angle between voltage and current.


Best regards,

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