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Dielectric loss

Guest Anonymous

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There is a term of "dielectric loss" I seen in one of the capacitor leaflets. (i.e. 0.5W / kVar) But there is another term of "Joules loss" I seen in another leaflet. (i.e. 6W / kVar)


Is the above terms refer to the same thing ? Is this figure as small as better? Since I think if the loss is small, that would be good to energy saving. But is it mean that resistance is also small for the dielectric, the capacitor bank will burn out more easily ?


It 's much confusing.




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Hello Ben


I expect that they are exactly the same thing. Can't say I am familiar with the "Joules Loss" terminology, but one watt is one joule per second.

The lowest loss is definitely best!


Best regards,

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Hello Ben


If you register on the forum, you can get email notification of replies.

Low loss means low heat generated and means longer life - morre efficient.

Not easy burning.


Best regards

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Something to bear in mind with the losses in capacitor banks is heat. It will kill your caps really fast if you cant dissipate the heat generated. Detuned reactors compound this problem, use the power lost in your heat calculations if you are putting it in an enclosure. The higher the losses the bigger the fans you need to put in.
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